Partners sign new memorandum to improve the quality of education in the country

Parceiros assinam novo memorando para melhoria da qualidade da educação no país

The Mozambican government and eight cooperation partners signed a new memorandum of understanding aimed at improving the quality of education in MozambiqueThe United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) announced this Tuesday in a statement.

The agreement, signed Friday between the government and the group of eight cooperation partners (Portugal, Germany, Canada, France, Finland, Italy, Ireland, and Unicef) that contribute to the Education Sector Support Fund (FASE), will support the Strategic Plan 2020/2029.

"Together we have followed the progress of the education sector in the implementation of the previous Strategic Plan. Together we will ensure that more Mozambican children can learn better under the new plan," Katarina Johansson, from UNICEF, representing the cooperation partners, said in the statement.

From the new agreement, according to Unicef, it is intended, among others, to ensure access to quality education, implement and consolidate a monitoring, evaluation and learning system "aligned to the results-based plan."

According to the document, annually the partners have contributed about 80 million dollars to education in Mozambique, in an initiative created in 2002.

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