The country expects to earn around 2 billion meticais (equivalent to 31 million dollars) from macadamia exports in the current agricultural season, which involves the provinces of Maputo and Niassa.
According to the director of Central Services for Almond Production and Development, Feliza Macome, Mozambique expects to produce more than 6,000 tons of the product from these two provinces in this agricultural season (2024-2025), with the main destinations being South Africa and China.
Quoted by Radio MozambiqueFeliza Macome pointed out that although this crop is still in its infancy in Portugal, "walnuts have been increasingly sought after by national entrepreneurs and are one of the main sources of income in the agricultural sector".
"The idea is to bring in more domestic producers to produce, process and export the fruit," she added.
Official figures show that Mozambique has 23 family growers cultivating this crop, covering 478 hectares, although there are ongoing awareness-raising, promotion and incentive actions to expand the production of this fruit, given its high commercial value on the international market.
(Photo DR)
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