Demonstrations: Mozambique failed to collect more than 650 million dollars in revenue

Manifestações: Moçambique falhou a arrecadação de mais de 650 milhões de dólares em receitas

The Mozambican state stopped collecting 658 million dollars in tax revenue between October and December 2024, due to the outbreak of post-election demonstrations.

According to Finance Minister Carla Louveira, the indicators show that losses in December alone amounted to 14 million meticais.  

Speaking after the first session of the Council of Ministers, she said that these losses jeopardized the entire fiscal year of last year.

And in order to ensure the payment of the 13th salary, he stressed that it was necessary to allow the economy to flow so that private sector activity could benefit the state budget.

"All the work we have to do in the new Budget Law to be approved is to recover the economy so that there are enough resources to pay the 13th salary this year. This is the effort we must ensure for this year," he said.

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