LAM needs more than two dozen planes to resume routes and pay off debts

LAM precisam de mais de duas dezenas de aviões para retomar rotas e pagar dívidas

Mozambique Airlines (LAM) needs at least 22 planes to resume all its routes and comfortably pay off its debts.

"In our business plan proposal we will present the areas that we really need to resolve. But, in our opinion, the balance point for us to start paying off our debts comfortably is to have a minimum of 22 aircraft at full capacity on all routes," said LAM's Project and Restructuring Manager, Sérgio Matos.

The information was given at the latest press conference called by Fly Modern Ark (FAM) to present the results of the first three months of LAM's restructuring.

The process is being carried out by Fly Modern Ark, which found a debt estimated at 300 million dollars. FAM says that the debt has been reduced by 61.1 million dollars.

On that occasion, writes NewsAt the end of the year, Sérgio Matos announced the introduction of five more aircraft, including a freighter, to meet national demand. But it is expected that the change will not be perceived to the desired extent, given that the airline Expresso has suspended its activities in Mozambique. Mex was a subsidiary of LAM and operated with three aircraft.

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