Government sets norms for entry, stay and exit of foreign citizens

Governo fixa normas de entrada, permanência e saída de cidadãos estrangeiros

This Thursday, the Assembly of the Republic (AR) gave its general approval to the bill that establishes the legal regime for foreign citizens, setting the rules for entry, stay and exit from Mozambique.

The proposal submitted to parliament by the Executive aims to combat illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings.

The Minister of the Interior, Arsénia Massingue, said that the law will exempt citizens of certain countries from presenting an entry visa, whenever the interests of the state demand it.

"On the other hand, there is a need to hold transport companies and individuals responsible for transporting citizens who do not meet the admissibility requirements for entry into the country, as well as companies and individuals who facilitate the entry and stay of foreign citizens who do not meet the requirements, as a way of reinforcing the actions carried out to combat illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings. Also in the context of preventing and combating illegal immigration, we intend to strengthen the rules on the entry and exit of minors into the country," said Massingue.

Quoted by RM, the minister also said that the proposal will adjust the rules that determine the procedures and powers relating to the administrative expulsion of foreign citizens.

The Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Human Rights and Legality believes that the document will guarantee compliance with the rules in force in the country.

"The Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Human Rights and Legality believes that the draft law [under consideration] will strengthen the system of control and supervision of the flow of migrants and allow for the accountability of the actors, promoters and instigators and facilitators of illegal migration, providing public security and tranquillity in the country," said the chairman of the Committee, António Boene.

At the same session, parliament unanimously approved the motion for a resolution ratifying the Charter for the Cultural Renaissance of Africa, an instrument that establishes the principles for the promotion and enhancement of cultural heritage on the continent.

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