The Minister of Transport and Logistics, João Matlombe, said on Wednesday (19) that the Mozambican government is determined to ensure that the performance, efficiency and competitiveness of the Port of Beira, in Sofala, located in central Mozambique, is improved..
Speaking during a visit to the port, he explained that the congestion of trucks accessing the port and the waiting time for cargo handling, especially at the fuel terminal, are some of the barriers that need to be removed.
"At the moment, the Port of Beira is not competitive, and I think that's really clear to the concessionaire, that we can improve a little more. We have problems with the access infrastructure to the Port of Beira, which is the first constraint", said João Matlombe, quoted in a publication by the Radio Mozambique.
Addressing the port's managing body, Cornelder, the minister stressed the need to improve the access corridor to the port terminal. "We need to improve the access infrastructure, we're talking about National Road number 6 (N6), we need to improve the Machipanda border, to ensure that trucks stay less time, which is part of the overall efficiency of the port," Matlombe said.
In addition to the direct access road to the Port of Beira, the Minister for Transport and Logistics announced that a terminal for port services is to be built outside the city of Beira.
(Photo DR)
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