The director of Internal Control Services of the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME), Fernando Maquele, defends the creation of associations and cooperatives to ensure the involvement of communities in the process of exploitation of mineral resources in the country. According to him, this measure may also guarantee the sustainable exploitation of the country's existing resources and prevent their smuggling.
"This strategy aims to make the populations also get involved in the exploitation of the resources around them, even though we recognize that in recent years the State has been losing millions and millions of meticais", justifies Fernando Maquele.
According to the director of the Internal Control Services of the Inspectorate General, who was speaking in the city of Nampula, the loss obtained by the State results from the smuggling of products that include gold, rubies, tantalite, garnet, among others, especially in the provinces with great mining intensity.
It should be noted that the national assessment report on money laundering and terrorist financing in Mozambique, made available by the World Bank group, shows that the transaction of metals, precious and semi-precious losses has been one of the sources of terrorist financing in the country.