Government approves concession terms for Pemba port and logistics terminal

Governo aprova termos de concessão do terminal portuário e logístico de Pemba

The Council of Ministers yesterday approved, by decree, the terms for the concession of the infrastructure of the Pemba Port and Logistics Terminal, in the province of Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique.

The concession was granted by the government to Sociedade Comercial Pemba Bulk Terminal Limitada, formed by CD Proprieties and Portos de Cabo Delgado, SA.

This infrastructure is seen as crucial for the logistical operations of hydrocarbon exploration projects in the Rovuma basin in Cabo Delgado.

According to a NewsThe concession in question was recently awarded by direct award to a consortium that is expected to invest around 14.2 billion meticais, both on land and in the water plan.

The amount will be used mainly to improve the infrastructure of the base quay, with a docking capacity of 115 meters, and other activities related to the floating gate, valued at 49.5 billion.

Given the need to ensure the continuity of the project that supports oil operations in Cabo Delgado, additional investments of around 90 million dollars will be made.

Meanwhile, meeting in its 28th Ordinary Session, the Council of Ministers also approved the resolution ratifying the financing agreement signed between the government and the Italian bank "Cassa Depositi Prestiti SPA", for an amount of 35 million euros to finance the Manica Agri-Food Program.

It also approved the decree approving the Statute for Members of the National Public Salvation Service (SENSAP), a document that establishes the rules on entry, promotion, hierarchy, rights, duties and other situations inherent to members of the institution.


(Photo DR)

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