FEMATRO warns about rising product prices

The lack of discount on the tariff of the "famous" and criticized tolls for cargo transporters may have implications on the prices of products transported by them at the consumer level. The information is advanced by the Mozambican Federation of Road Carriers (FEMATRO).

"This is a chain, the (price of) freight will rise and, automatically, the product will also have to rise. In this process who pays is the final consumer," said Castigo Nhamane, president of FEMATRO, quoted by Lusa news agency.

The Road Network of Mozambique (REVIMO) announced last week that toll fees for the Maputo Ring Road will begin to be collected for circulation along the road on February 1, 2022.

According to REVIMO, the cargo transports should pay, per crossing, 580 Meticais, a value that these, (carriers) consider high and that will influence the increase of the transported products with the impact for the final consumer.

"Freight transporters will have to increase what they charge their clients" and this will "be reflected in the rest", stressed FEMATRO, suggesting that discounts should also be made for freight transport.

The Mozambican non-governmental organization (NGO) Centro para a Democracia e Desenvolvimento (CDD) has submitted a request to the Administrative Court asking for the suspension of the tolls.

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