General Statute of State Employees and Agents approved in definitive

The Assembly of the Republic (AR) today approved, on a special and consensual basis, the proposed revision of Law No. 10/2017, of August 1, approving the General Statute of Employees and Agents of the State (EGFAE).

The proposed revision of the EGFAE fits into the Public Administration development strategy, which establishes as its main priorities the professionalization of State employees, the improvement of service delivery to the citizen, the strengthening of integrity in the Public Administration and the Consolidation and Coordination of Public Administration Structures.

The MPs from the Frelimo, Renamo and MDM benches, appreciated today, and in specialty, the revision project of the Organic Law of the Constitutional Council.

They also approved in specialty the proposed revision of Law No. 10/2017 of 18 January, Organic Law of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Statute of Public Prosecutors.

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