Discover the counter-intuitive trick to evaluate a job offer

Descubra o truque contra-intuitivo para avaliar uma proposta de emprego

These days, it seems that people are less likely to accept or consider an offer for a new job. And this is leading companies to look for human resources managers who can convince people to take on the new jobs by proposing various perks.

On the other hand, because of the pandemic - which drove thousands of people into unemployment - those who survived this period of massive layoffs now have the opportunity to advance their careers, and are the target of recruiters. And this is where the "X" of the matter comes in - it is even more important to take your own time to weigh your options.

The strategy for dealing with the indecision of accepting a new career proposal is proposed by Abbie Shipp, professor of management at Texas Christian University in the United States of America.

According to the expert on employee engagement over time, the worst thing someone can do is to make a decision hastily, without proper overall assessment of the pros and cons of the offer, especially if attractive perks or a time trend are influencing their judgment. Therefore, he recommends using a counter-intuitive trick to decide whether a job offer is really worthwhile: focusing on the negative aspects.

What is the advantage of focusing on the negative aspects?

The expert suggests that you make a list of the good and buts of your current job and the job offer you might be thinking of accepting.

Ultimately, you should make sure that the job itself, the team, and the company culture are compatible with your personal and professional goals. If all the "pros" seem equally attractive and don't help you reach a decision, focus on your list of "cons."

"Negative things will make you want to leave a company more, so decide for yourself: which ones can you tolerate?" says the expert.

In general, people are risk averse, so you may have a stronger reaction to what you don't like about a situation, or what you might lose by making a certain change, compared to what you would like to have in a potential change.

Prioritize the most important aspects of the job that will impact the company's results.

Calculate opportunity costs

People who change jobs usually receive a higher salary in a new role, but a change can also disrupt their finances and professional growth, at least temporarily. "You have to predict whether there will be long-term profit from the change."

On the other hand, you should also consider the opinions of people close to you, professionals, family and friends, to help you determine the advantages of a job and whether the new opportunity is worth taking.

Ultimately, take enough time to make a decision that is best for your career and personal life. ""Don't let yourself be influenced by a trend.

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