Labor disputes increase by more than 140%

Conflitos laborais aumentam em mais de 140%

The Maputo Center for Labor Mediation and Arbitration revealed that labor disputes between employees and employers increased by about 1,47%, from 521 last year to 1,288 in the first half of this year.

Among the main factors are unfair dismissals, non-payment of wages, unilateral termination of contracts and other violations.

Quoted by NewsThe director of the institution, Lourenço Mauai, said that the sector had mediated 1,279 conflicts, of which it had reached 1,143 agreements, with 136 deadlocks and 13 withdrawals.

Conflict resolution has already resulted in the payment of 11 million meticais and the reinstatement of 36 workers.

The industrial and retail sectors have seen the fewest cases, but the private security sector has seen the highest number of cases of labor disputes culminating in impasses.

Mauai said that the increase in conflicts is the result of the reopening of jobs closed during the period of restrictions due to the covid-19 pandemic, and encouraged employers to opt for dialogue.

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