Cyclone Jude could compromise fishing production targets in Nampula

Ciclone Jude poderá comprometer as metas de produção pesqueira em Nampula

Severe tropical storm Jude, which hit Nampula province a few days ago, destroyed more than 50 boats, a situation that could negatively affect this year's fishing production targets..

Of this number of vessels, some were completely destroyed, others partially destroyed and dragged away, and have not been recovered to date. In addition to these means of maritime transport, the fishing sector also points to the destruction of fishing gear, including nets, in an unquantified number.

According to a publication on the IkweliThis year, Nampula province has planned to catch 412,000 tons of fish, a target that may not be reached due to the destruction of fishing equipment.

"We have a record of 52 boats, but they are not all destroyed, we have some of these boats that are partially destroyed, which is the majority, we have a small part that is completely destroyed, but we have others that have been dragged away. They may not have been destroyed, but they have been swept away and during the search the aim is to recover these boats," said Manuel Chicamisse, Nampula's provincial director of Agriculture and Fisheries.

According to Manuel Chicamisse, tropical storm Jude passed through Nampula province at a time when the fishing season was opening, after the closed and closed season had been observed.

"We had already started an activity in which the fishing population was supposed to get ready to go to sea after a long waiting period, but unfortunately we had this situation," said Chicamisse.

However, the source said he believes that the destruction of these boats will not only affect fishing, but also the maritime transport sector, as the same boats were used to transport people and goods from one point to another.


(Photo DR)

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