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Documentário de Gigliola Zacara premiado no Chile

Gigliola Zacara's documentary awarded in Chile

Gigliola Zacara's film "Echoes", submitted to the second edition of the RENUAC Festival last year, was honored in four categories, namely Best Documentary Film, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay and Best Visual Effects. Director Gigliola Zacara and the film left their mark on the last edition by being part of the celebration of cinema and...

Banda “Indigo Blue” lança primeiro Single intitulado “GO!”

Indigo Blue releases first single "GO!"

Indigo Blue is the name of the latest project by Mozambican musician Xavier Machiana, known as the former lead singer of the Rockfellers band with several years in the national music market. This new Mozambican pop rock band "Indigo Blue", which presents itself as a collective that explores cultural and artistic diversity, is made up of Xavier...

África do Sul prepara maior festa do continente

South Africa prepares for the continent's biggest party

In June and July, South Africa is preparing to host the National Arts Festival (NAF), considered to be the biggest celebration of African arts. Recognized for its cultural relevance across the continent, the NAF attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world, offering a diverse and accessible programme. It will take place on 11...

Daúde Amade vence Prémio Eugénio Lisboa

Daúde Amade wins Eugénio Lisboa Prize

Mozambican writer Daúde Amade is the winner of the 8th edition of the Imprensa Nacional/Eugénio Lisboa Prize. Under the pseudonym Jorge Nyembete, Amad competed with the unpublished novel "Rogilda, ou Breviário de Agonia". According to the jury, made up of Lucílio Manjate (President), Sara Jona and Paula Mendes, the work "Rogilda, ou Breviário de Agonia" stands out...

Ministério da Cultura abre concurso para financiamento audiovisual e cinematográfico

Ministry of Culture opens call for audiovisual and cinematographic funding

Applications are now open for the second edition of the Audiovisual and Cinematographic Activity Financing Fund (CONFIAAC). The initiative aims to boost the national audiovisual and cinematographic sector by providing significant funds to support the production, distribution and exhibition of content. Applications are open until January 17, 2025, providing a unique opportunity...

Paulina Chiziane em Varsóvia para inauguração de uma cátedra

Paulina Chiziane in Warsaw to inaugurate a professorship

Mozambican writer Paulina Chiziane has been in Warsaw, Poland, since yesterday for the inauguration ceremony of a chair established in her honor for her contribution to Mozambican literature and the Portuguese language. Called the "Chair of Paulina Chiziane Studies", it is being developed by the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Warsaw and aims to develop studies...