Category: Special Elections

Desconhecidos incendeiam residência do membro da Renamo em Inhambane

Unknown assailants set fire to Renamo member's house in Inhambane

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, unknown individuals partially set fire to the backyard of the home of a member of the Maxixe municipal assembly in Inhambane province. He is António Sautane Chulo, who used to be Renamo's second vice-president of the Inhambane provincial assembly. In 2016 (while in office), Chulo was shot by alleged strangers. It was in...

Ossufo Momade já está de regresso ao país

Ossufo Momade is already back in the country

After several rumors about the disappearance of the president of the Renamo party from the campaign for the general elections on October 9, doubts were dispelled this Friday. In fact, as the party announced through its spokesperson, Ossufo Momade was out of the country. According to Marcelino Macome, he was fulfilling an agenda...

Igreja Católica diz que desconhece a candidatura do padre Fernão Magalhães pelo MDM

Catholic Church says it is unaware of Father Fernão Magalhães' candidacy for MDM

The Catholic Church in Nampula says it is distancing itself from the candidacy of Father Fernão Magalhães for governor of this northern province of Mozambique by the Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM), pointing out that this decision is beyond ecclesiastical legislation. According to a statement distributed in Nampula and quoted by AIM, Archbishop Inácio Saure, who...

Ossufo Momade esperado hoje em Maputo

Ossufo Momade expected in Maputo today

Renamo's presidential candidate, Ossufo Momade, is expected in the Mozambican capital this afternoon, where he is due to land at Maputo International Airport. According to an AIM publication, quoting a source from Renamo, the largest opposition party in the country, Ossufo Momade is due to start his election campaign on Sunday (01)...

Partidos ainda não pediram credenciação de mais de 8 mil delegados de candidaturas em Gaza

Parties still haven't requested accreditation for more than 8,000 candidate delegates in Gaza

Frelimo, Renamo and MDM, among other political parties, have still not submitted the applications for accreditation of the 8,628 candidate delegates to accompany the voting process on October 9, reveals Bernardino Macome, president of the CPE in Gaza. To date, none of the three parties (Frelimo, Renamo and MDM) has submitted a request for...