Category: Special Elections

Daniel Chapo promete construir estradas e pontes para Magude

Daniel Chapo promises to build roads and bridges for Magude

Asphalting the Moamba- Magude and Magude-Xinavane sections of Maputo province is one of the main promises of Daniel Chapo, Frelimo's candidate for President of the Republic. The two road corridors, 130 kilometers long and 15 kilometers long, respectively, are considered strategic for the socio-economic development of both districts, located on the northern axis of this province....

Ossufo Momade em campanha eleitoral na Ilha de Moçambique

Ossufo Momade campaigning on Mozambique Island

Ossufo Momade, Renamo's presidential candidate, has been working since yesterday in the district of Ilha de Moçambique, Nampula province, to continue the "vote hunt" for this year's elections. This Sunday, he will take part in a march with the party's supporters in this part of the country and will lead a popular rally to present the electoral manifesto...

Alterações do Tribunal Supremo podem significar mais acções judiciais por crimes eleitorais

Supreme Court changes could mean more prosecutions for electoral crimes

The changes to the procedures of the electoral courts are likely to lead to more prosecutions for electoral crimes and seem to leave more room for disputes. Adelimo Manuel Muchange, president of the Supreme Court, provided clarification on this matter on August 23. In order to speed up electoral challenges, a system of electoral courts has been set up. The issues are...

Directores e professores abandonam escolas para participarem na formação de formadores provinciais

Principals and teachers leave schools to take part in the training of provincial trainers

The training of provincial trainers began on Thursday (12), throughout the country, and according to the Electoral Bulletin of the Center for Public Integrity (CIP), school principals and teachers make up the majority of those involved in the process. "[This] means that in many schools classes are running at half capacity," according to the CIP. With...

Ossufo Momade quer implantar três capitais em Moçambique

Ossufo Momade wants to set up three capitals in Mozambique

The President of Renamo, Ossufo Momade, who is the front-runner in the presidential elections to be held on October 9, promises that, if elected, he will establish three capital cities in the country, with different powers. In his view, the country's capital, Maputo, which holds all the powers, will serve only as the political capital; the city of...

Venâncio Mondlane promete armazéns agrícolas para população de Mandimba

Venâncio Mondlane promises agricultural warehouses for the population of Mandimba

The independent candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, promises to build agricultural warehouses for producers in the district of Mandimba, in Niassa province. As well as creating conditions for the preservation of agricultural products, the candidate, who has the support of the Podemos party, is ensuring the establishment of an agricultural training institute. Mondlane's vision is that the...

Simango continua a caçar votos em Cabo Delgado

Simango continues to hunt for votes in Cabo Delgado

The President of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), and candidate for President of the Republic, Lutero Simango, is continuing his vote hunting agenda in Cabo Delgado province today. Yesterday, Simango visited the district of Ancuabe, where he promised the electorate the expansion of the electricity grid, the creation of a factory for processing...

Eleições gerais: União Europeia destaca 32 observadores para todas as províncias

General elections: European Union deploys 32 observers to all provinces

The European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) has deployed 32 observers in teams of two to all the country's provinces where, among other things, they will meet with all the parties involved in the electoral process, such as local authorities, electoral institutions, candidates, the media and representatives of civil society. According to the head...

Órgãos de informação favorecem a Frelimo nas coberturas de campanhas eleitorais

News outlets favor Frelimo in election campaign coverage

The country is going through the electoral campaign period, in which political parties are trying to convince the electorate that their political groupings are the best alternative for governing over the next five years. In this process, with a view to the October 9 ballot, the political parties have the right to air their views, as enshrined in the law, on...