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Venâncio Mondlane lança hoje os detalhes das manifestações “Ponta de Lança”

Venâncio Mondlane launches details of "Ponta de Lança" demonstrations today

The presidential candidate leading the biggest protest against the election results in Mozambique since the first elections in the country, Venâncio Mondlane, promised to come forward today, Thursday (02), with details of the new phase of the demonstrations, called "Ponta de Lança". Speaking on Monday (30) on his Facebook account, the PODEMOS presidential candidate accused the...

Venâncio Mondlane promete avançar na quinta-feira com os detalhes das manifestações “Ponta de Lança”

Venâncio Mondlane promises to give details of the "Ponta de Lança" demonstrations on Thursday

The presidential candidate leading the biggest protest against the election results in Mozambique since the first elections in the country, Venâncio Mondlane, promised to come forward on Thursday (02) with details of the next phase of the demonstrations, called "Ponta de Lança". Speaking this Monday (30) on his Facebook account, the PODEMOS presidential candidate accused...

Descubra tudo sobre o Jackpot da Semana!

Find out all about the Jackpot of the Week!

Taste the sensation of winning every Monday with the Jackpot of the Week promotion. This campaign has already won the trust of countless players. Last week, participants shared a total of 32,000 MT and the biggest winner took home an impressive 9,600 MT. How to take part in the Jackpot of the Week? Follow these simple steps to...

Venâncio Mondlane denuncia execuções em massa nas cadeias nacionais

Venâncio Mondlane denounces mass executions in national jails

Venâncio Mondlane, leader of the nationwide demonstrations, last night denounced the execution of prisoners and the accumulation of bodies, including those of children, in morgues. In another live broadcast on his official Facebook account, he pointed out that families are being prevented from identifying the bodies, which are being sent to graves...

VM7 anuncia na 2ª-feira a “fase ponta de lança” como a etapa final das manifestações

VM7 announces on Monday the "spearhead phase" as the final stage of the demonstrations

The independent presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, and "leader of the people" announced today that next Monday he will detail the latest stage of the demonstrations in Mozambique, dubbed the "spearhead phase". Mondlane promises more organized and targeted actions, focused on achieving "electoral truth" and reforms in the country's democracy. "On Monday, my brothers, we will...

CC valida resultados eleitorais. Daniel Chapo e Frelimo proclamados vencedores das VII eleições gerais

CC validates election results. Daniel Chapo and Frelimo proclaimed winners of the VII general elections

The Constitutional Council has just validated the results of the seventh general elections in which Daniel Chapo and the Frelimo party were the winners. According to the data just released by the Constitutional Council, Daniel Chapo won with 65% of votes, Venâncio Mondlane came second with 24,19% of votes, Ossufo Momade came third...

Conselho Constitucional dita hoje a sentença final sobre futuro do país

Constitutional Council delivers final verdict on country's future today

The future of the country will be decided today (23.12) by the Constitutional Council after the final reading of the ruling by the president of this body, Lúcia Ribeiro, on the results of the seventh general elections. After a period of two months characterized by intense nationwide demonstrations, called by the presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, in protest at the results released...

Conselho Constitucional confirma o anúncio da validação dos resultados eleitorais esta segunda-feira

Constitutional Council confirms the announcement of the validation of the election results this Monday

The Constitutional Council (CC) has confirmed the announcement of the validation of the election results from last October for tomorrow (23). The public session will take place at the Joaquim Chissano International Conference Center at 3pm. According to a note from the CC to which MZNews has had access, the session will mark...

Venâncio Mondlane anuncia 4 dias de luto a partir desta quinta-feira

Venâncio Mondlane announces 4 days of mourning starting this Thursday

The independent presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, and "leader of the people" announced four days of national mourning, starting this Thursday (19.12) until Sunday (22) in honor of the more than 130 people killed during the demonstrations. Venâncio Mondlane, who was speaking on Monday evening in another live broadcast, said that this Thursday will be the...

Nampula: PR alerta para possível presença e acção terrorista no distrito de Mogovolas

Nampula: PR warns of possible terrorist presence and action in Mogovolas district

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, today warned of the possibility that Nampula province is currently under terrorist attack in at least one district. He believes that yesterday's destruction of the Cholera Treatment Center in the district of Mogovolas, in that province, is tantamount to terrorist acts. Mogovolas is the only district in...