Category: Market Announcements

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ISUTC e Universidade de Cape Town debateram futuro do transporte colectivo em Maputo

ISUTC and the University of Cape Town debate the future of public transport in Maputo

The Instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicações (ISUTC), in partnership with the University of Cape Town (UCT), held the workshop "The Future of Collective Passenger Transport in the Maputo Metropolitan Area: Traffic Monitoring Technologies as a Tool for the Formalization of Chapas" on Friday 7 March. The event took place in Maputo and...

Rovuma LNG organiza Networking para fornecedores

Rovuma LNG organizes Networking for suppliers

ExxonMobil Moçambique, Limitada ("EMML"), on behalf of the Area 4 partners, organized two Supplier Networking Forums for the Rovuma LNG project, bringing together representatives of the local and international business community, as well as other stakeholders. The first forum took place in Maputo on March 4, followed by a second event in Pemba on...

Director do Moza Banco defende análise personalizada para o financiamento às MPME

Director of Moza Banco defends personalized analysis for financing MSMEs

Moza Banco's Director of Management Information, Camilo Amarcy, defends the need to take a contextualized look at the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the country, as a way of ensuring greater assertiveness when drawing up strategies to support national Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). The positioning...

Moza Banco fortalece compromisso com exportação agrícola nacional

Moza Banco strengthens commitment to national agricultural exports

Moza Banco wants to continue to strengthen its belief in the country's agricultural potential, especially in terms of export capacity. In pursuit of this objective, the Bank took part in the Workshop on International Trade and Access to Financing for Exports in Maputo a few days ago. The workshop was organized by ExportaMoz, an entity dedicated to promoting...

Angola: concluídas plataformas offshore para novo consórcio de gás

Angola: offshore platforms completed for new gas consortium

Azule Energy, in collaboration with its partners, announces the successful completion of the Quiluma and Maboqueiro offshore platforms, a key pillar of the New Gas Consortium (NGC) project. This achievement represents a significant step in Angola's first non-associated gas development, underlining the country's growing influence in the energy sector...

À esquerda, Raimundo Matuassa Administrador Executivo da SIMO Rede e à direita, Marco Abalroado Administrador Delegado do Access Bank

Marco Abalroado steps down as Managing Director of Access Bank Mozambique

Access Bank Mozambique announces that Marco Abalroado, Managing Director and Chairman of the Bank's Executive Committee, after more than six years of dedication to Access Bank Mozambique, is stepping down as Managing Director and Chairman of the Bank's Executive Committee for personal reasons. Marco Abalroado, Managing Director, played a decisive role in the creation...

Porto de Maputo contribuiu com 46,8 milhões de dólares para os cofres do Estado em 2024

Port of Maputo contributed 46.8 million dollars to state coffers in 2024

The Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC) has announced the volume of cargo handled in 2024, reporting a total volume of 30.9 million tons handled. Although this represents a slight reduction of 1% compared to 2023, the Port of Maputo has continued to show resilience and adaptability in the face of significant logistical challenges. The...

Lançamento do Vista Bank em França: Um marco estratégico para impulsionar o crescimento do comércio em África

Launch of Vista Bank in France: A strategic milestone to boost trade growth in Africa

Vista Group, a financial services holding company with a mission to become a world-leading pan-African banking institution, has received approval from the French banking regulator, ACPR, to establish Vista Bank in France. Vista Bank France will be launched in the second half of 2025 and will be Vista Bank's first banking operation...

Nedbank Moçambique renova acordo de parceria com o Parque Nacional da Gorongosa

Nedbank Mozambique renews partnership agreement with Gorongosa National Park

Nedbank Mozambique and Gorongosa National Park (PNG) recently renewed their partnership agreement, reaffirming the Bank's commitment to continue supporting PNG's conservation efforts. This agreement was formalized during a ceremony held in Gorongosa National Park, where Nedbank pledged its continued support to the Department...