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INAM: Tempestade GARANCE poderá evoluir para ciclone tropical a partir de hoje

INAM: Storm GARANCE could develop into a tropical cyclone as of today

Mozambique's National Meteorological Institute (INAM) warns that the Severe Tropical Storm, which is influencing the occurrence of rain and thunderstorms in our country and in the Mozambique channel, could evolve into a tropical cyclone from this Thursday, as it moves away from Madagascar. Named "GARANCE", the tropical storm could be accompanied...

Governo anuncia medidas nas tarifas de água potável

Government announces measures on drinking water tariffs

The government has approved a set of measures that will allow for greater efficiency in the process of adjusting drinking water tariffs, making the service more accessible and sustainable for the population. The proposal to revise Decree 41/2021 on the Mechanisms for Indexing and Adjusting Average Consumer Reference Drinking Water Tariffs,...

Subida do Incomáti ameaça cortar a N1

Incomati climb threatens to cut off the N1

The link between Maputo province and the rest of the country is under threat due to the sharp rise in the levels of the Incomáti River in the Incoluane area. This is due to the heavy rainfall upstream, which means that the water is about to overtop the platform of National Road Number One (N1)...

Transações financeiras entre Moçambique com o mundo caíram para quase 2,1 MM$ no terceiro trimestre

Financial transactions between Mozambique and the world fell to almost 2.1 MM$ in the third quarter

Financial operations between the Mozambican economy and the rest of the world resulted in a net inflow of funds of approximately 2.1 billion dollars, compared to 2.2 billion in the same period in 2023. The data is contained in the quarterly Balance of Payments (BoP) bulletin, released by the Bank of Mozambique (BdM),...

Protestos e vandalizações: Mais de 350 mortos e milhares de infra-estruturas destruídas

Protests and vandalism: More than 350 dead and thousands of infrastructures destroyed

The Decide Electoral Platform revealed today that the demonstrations and protests in Mozambique caused the deaths of 353 people and led to the destruction of more than 2,330 infrastructures. It notes, however, that in the data referring to the number of deaths, 320 occurred in the period of the post-election demonstrations triggered on October 21, 2024, and...

Dois conselhos para o Conselho de Ministros

Two pieces of advice for the Council of Ministers

My friends, if I'm going to be brief, I'll leave you with two points of reflection or advice for the new structure of the cream of the executive, the Council of Ministers. The first has to do with the agenda of the meeting and the relationship with the media. The next is the relationship between the people and the executive via the media....