Category: National

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Officials report progress in the fight against terrorism, but urge caution

The Minister of National Defense, Cristóvão Chume says that there are more and more advances in the fight against terrorism in the north of the country, especially in the provinces of Niassa and Cabo Delgado, however there must be caution in the return of the populations. "The situation is evolving positively in Cabo Delgado and I can say with a lot of certainty that...


Wheat flour is more expensive. Is there a domino effect?

Things seem to be getting more and more complicated for Mozambicans. Price readjustments are occurring immediately, in all crucial sectors of the country's economic engine. Recently, fuel prices have risen, and as could be expected, prices for travel on public transport have also headed...


Cannabis Sativa has properties that block actions of covid-19

A team of researchers from Oregon State University in the United States has discovered in laboratory tests that cannabis sativa, popularly known as surruma in Mozambique, has two components that bind to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, the cause of covid-19, preventing it from penetrating healthy human cells in tests performed...


Mozambicans are banned from traveling to China. Another 37 countries also

Passengers leaving Mozambique and 37 other countries have been banned from traveling to China since last Tuesday, according to an official announcement from Chinese state carrier China Southern Airlines. The decision, according to the company, affects passengers coming from countries such as Nigeria, South Africa, India, Philippines, Iran, Russia and Mexico, although there are...


Staying with SADC forces costs more than USD 29 million

The President of the Republic of Mozambique announced Wednesday that the Southern African Development Community Military Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) will continue to fight terrorism in the province of Cabo Delgado for another three months. The operation is budgeted at US$29.5 million, an amount already approved by the...


Production of the biometric driver's license in the country is suspended

The National Institute of Land Transport (INATRO) has just suspended the production of biometric driving licenses, following the termination of the contract to provide this service with the provider contracted for the purpose. A source from the institute explained to "Notícias", that the termination was due to irregularities of an administrative nature registered under the contract....


SADC leaders approve military mission extension in Cabo Delgado

The leaders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) today approved the extension of the military mission that supports Mozambique in combating rebel groups in Cabo Delgado. According to a statement issued from Lilongwe, Malawi, at the end of the extraordinary summit, "the summit approved the framework for support to the Republic of Mozambique in the...


ADIN and IBE ease the allocation of grants for higher education in the northern region

The memorandum of understanding signed recently between the Instituto de Bolsas de Estudos (IBE) and the Agência de Desenvolvimento Integrado do Norte (ADIN) is boosting the training process of young students from the districts of Cabo Delgado, Niassa and Nampula provinces. According to a source from IBE, with this initiative we intend to create conditions that make more flexible the...