Ban on billboards advertising alcoholic beverages near public institutions

Banida afixação de painéis publicitários com bebidas alcoólicas nas proximidades de instituições públicas

The National Inspectorate of Economic Activities (INAE) has announced that it is now forbidden to display billboards advertising alcoholic beverages near public institutions, schools, hospitals and on television at inappropriate times.

Speaking yesterday, Thursday (04), INAE's National Director for Education, Sport and Culture, Leonor Mabutana, at a press conference on the balance of activities carried out last June, stressed that the measure aims to stop advertising alcoholic beverages to minors, as "in recent times there has been massive consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors".

Quoted by AIMThe source explained that advertising for alcoholic beverages should not be available anywhere, especially to minors, stressing that enforcement activities for this measure began on June 26 throughout the country.

According to Mabutana, tobacco advertising will also be banned. "For this reason, INAE will suspend tobacco advertising on billboards, in the media, pamphlets and magazines," he added, urging advertisers to leave a minimum distance of 500 meters from public institutions such as schools, hospitals, hotels and police stations.

"The measure is the result of the implementation of Decree 38/2016, of August 31, which approves the advertising code," he said.


(Photo DR)

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