US bank, Citigroup threatens to fire unvaccinated workers

Banco americano, Citigroup ameaça despedir trabalhadores não vacinados

Citigroup stresses that it will terminate the contracts of US workers who do not have proof of vaccination against Covid.

According to Bloomberg, it is the first major Wall Street institution to strengthen its position regarding the Covid-19 vaccination. Thus, Citigroup has let its workers in the United States know that if they do not get vaccinated, it will terminate their employment contracts by the end of the month.

It was in October that the bank first adopted this policy that its workers had to be fully vaccinated - they had to submit proof of this by January 14 - or risk their jobs.

In a memo shared with workers, according to Bloomberg, the US bank warned that workers who continue to fail to show proof of vaccination after January 14 will be placed on leave on expiration and on January 31 their contract will end.

Meanwhile, according to CNBC, more than 90% of Citigroup workers have already signed up for the policy in question, which only covers staff in the United States. Workers who for religious or medical reasons or other cases provided by law do not get vaccinated are not covered by this guideline.

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