Author: Salvador Baloi (Salvador Baloi)

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Presidente da República promove Zainadine Danane a patente de Comissário-Chefe da Migração

President of the Republic promotes Zainadine Danane to the rank of Chief Migration Commissioner

The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, has ordered, by Presidential Order, the promotion to the rank of Chief Commissioner of Migration, in the ranks of Commissioner Officers, of the Commissioner of Migration, Zaidine João Danane. The information was made public this Friday (07), via a statement from the Presidency of the Republic. (Photo DR)

“Traficantes de seres humanos usam redes sociais para atrair as suas vítimas” – PGR

"Human traffickers use social networks to lure their victims" - PGR

Mozambique's Attorney General's Office (PGR) has appealed to internet users to avoid showing their private lives on social networks so as not to fall into the traps of criminals, who work in coordination with international human trafficking networks. Lately, there have been several reports of people mysteriously disappearing, especially young women and children....

Adelino Muchanga defende fortalecimento da consciência anti-corrupção na magistratura

Adelino Muchanga advocates strengthening anti-corruption awareness in the judiciary

The president of the Supreme Court (TS), Adelino Muchanga, defends the need to redouble anti-corruption awareness within the judiciary with a view to guaranteeing upright justice based on honesty, promptness and impartiality. Speaking yesterday (07) during the opening of the national conference of Mozambican judges, as part of the project to "Strengthen professional associations...

Tete: Pelo menos 13 crianças morreram de desnutrição em 2024

Tete: At least 13 children died of malnutrition in 2024

At least 13 children died in 2024 in Tete province, victims of acute malnutrition, a reduction compared to the 2023 scenario, health authorities announced today. "We recorded 13 in-patient deaths [in 2024] compared to 16 in the same period in 2023, which represents a reduction of 37.9%," said the provincial health director...

Tmcel denuncia vandalização das suas infra-estruturas, deixando clientes sem serviços

Tmcel denounces vandalization of its infrastructure, leaving customers without services

The mobile phone operator Moçambique Telecom (Tmcel) denounced this Friday (07) the occurrence of acts of vandalization of infrastructure in various parts of the city of Maputo, leaving several customers without access to telecommunications services, including voice and data. According to Tmcel, this involves the destruction of "cabinets located on the sidewalks" containing essential equipment for...

OIM desembolsa 11 milhões de dólares para reforçar policiamento comunitário em Cabo Delgado

IOM disburses 11 million dollars to strengthen community policing in Cabo Delgado

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) pledged this Friday (07) to provide 11 million dollars to strengthen resilience in the communities of Mueda, Palma, Mocímboa da Praia, Muidumbe, Macomia, Quissanga, Negomano and Ibo, in the province of Cabo Delgado, benefiting 280,000 members of the communities covered. "The project aims to contribute to...