Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)

Lançado plataforma de Monitoria de Projectos de Obras Públicas

Launched Public Works Project Monitoring Platform

The Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources (MOPHRH) officially launched, on Wednesday July 20, in Nampula, the Platform for Implementation and Monitoring of Public Works Projects, a tool that will help the Ministry in the management and monitoring of projects in real time and in detail as to their level of implementation.


About 500,000 people have abandoned antiretroviral treatment in the country - CNCS

A study launched today by the National Council for the Fight against AIDS (CNCS) in Maputo reveals that about 500 thousand people have abandoned the antiretroviral treatment in the last years all over the country. The Coordinator of the Planning Unit of the National Council for the Fight against AIDS, Ema Chuva, says that two million people are receiving antiretroviral...


CCT will discuss solutions for relieving the cost of living

The Labour Consultative Commission (CCT), a body that brings together the Government, employers and workers, will meet in the coming days in an extraordinary session to discuss measures that can alleviate the growing rise in the cost of living. The information was shared, a few days ago in Maputo, by the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Margarida Talapa. According to...

Manica recebe certificado do ISO 9001-2015

Manica receives ISO 9001-2015 certificate

Manica Mozambique Terminais Limitada received last Thursday in Maputo city through INNOQ the ISO 9001-2015 certificate The delivery of the ISO 9001-2015 certificate is in the context of ensuring customer safety, create a good working environment, continue to offer work with safety and quality required in the market...


INCM promises to "do everything" to save Tmcel

The National Institute of Communications of Mozambique (INCM) said a few days ago that if Tmcel shows signs of extreme difficulties that could jeopardize its operation, the government, through the Ministry of Transport and Communications, will find concrete and immediate mechanisms to ensure that the company continues to operate. Speaking at a conference...

Álvaro Fausto Taruma lança “Recolher Obrigatório do Coração”

Álvaro Fausto Taruma releases "Recolher Obrigatório do Coração

The Mozambican writer Álvaro Fausto Taruma launches tomorrow (July 21) at the Portuguese Cultural Center the book "Recolher Obrigatório do Coração". It will be broadcast live through Alcance Editores' social platforms, Facebook and Instagram. "Recolher Obrigatório do Coração" is a book that revisits the writing that Álvaro Fausto Taruma has accustomed us to...

Governo admite “inconformidades” na Tabela Salarial Única

Government admits "inconsistencies" in the Single Wage Scale

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Max Tonela, admitted yesterday the existence of inconsistencies in the application of the new Single Wage Scale for the State, but guarantees that everything is being done to resolve the issues. Max Tonela noted that there are several situations of non-conformity and, among the complaints, many have to do with the...

Autoridades retêm 275 imigrantes ilegais

Authorities detain 275 illegal immigrants

About 275 illegal immigrants of Malawian nationality were detained by migration authorities, in Gaza province. According to the spokesman of the Gaza Migration Services, Abeldo Nhanombe, the group presented passports and emergency certificates, but had no entry visas. The migrants were on four buses, three of which belonged to Mozambican transporters...