Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)


Defense and Security Council wants reinforcement of road surveillance

The Council for Defence and Security of Mozambique has asked to strengthen inspection measures and to hold offenders accountable, given the "high rate of road accidents" in the country, indicates a statement from the Presidency. The Council expressed concern over the high rate of road accidents that occur in the country, considering that the situations have...


War in sight. China begins largest-ever military exercises near Taiwan

China today began military exercises, which include live fire, in the vicinity of Taiwan, Chinese state television CCTV reported, the largest ever operation near the island claimed by Beijing "The exercises are beginning," CCTV said in a message posted on the social network Weibo. The exercises are scheduled through Sunday. The maneuvers ...


Russia donates material for displaced children in Cabo Delgado

The Council of the Russian Federation (Senate) has donated various types of material to support communities affected by terrorism in Cabo Delgado, with an emphasis on children. "Of the offers, we look with particular affection at those intended for children" and our fellow citizens, in general, victims of terrorism,' said the first vice president of the Mozambican parliament, Hélder...


WHO Appeals for 80 Million Needs in the Horn of Africa

The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched a funding appeal for $123.7 million to address urgent needs of more than 80 million people in the Horn of Africa region. "It is estimated that more than 80 million people in the region's 7 countries - Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan,...


UN works to get Ukrainian grain ships out every day

The UN and the countries involved work so that the ships with Ukrainian cereals leave ports "if possible every day", and exports from Ukraine "reach an acceptable level", assured Lusa yesterday source of the body. "The idea is that it is not just one ship, but that this whole process allows to have several...


Pandemic delayed fight against HIV/AIDS in Mozambique

Health Minister Armindo Tiago said that Covid-19 has affected the country's HIV/AIDS program due to the reduction and detour of resources to address the pandemic. "The normal programs for other diseases have had to reduce in terms of performance, not only because of lack of resources, but also because of the fact that...


Amazon accused of enabling racist behavior

A group of workers Amazon warehouse workers near Chicago have formally filed complaints in the state of Illinois, USA, where he accuses the company of allowing racist behavior and death threats to black workers, writes the News to the minute. According to the source the complaints filed include racist and threatening 'graffiti' in the bathrooms...

Niassa. Fundo de Estradas tem uma dívida de 118 milhões de meticais aos empreiteiros

Niassa. Road Fund owes 118 million meticais to contractors

The Road Fund in Niassa province owes the contractors 118 million meticals, relating to the maintenance of the access roads of that province, a fact that has been conditioning the execution of the works. According to Radio Mozambique, quoting the delegate of the Road Fund in Niassa, Iva Langa, it is a debt related to the maintenance of access roads in the province...

Gaza.  Detidos três indivíduos indiciados de porte ilegal de armas de fogo

Gaza. Three individuals arrested on charges of illegal firearm carrying

Three individuals are on the account of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), accused of illegal possession of firearms in three districts of Gaza province. According to information advanced by Radio Mozambique these citizens, two of them, who are brothers, were arrested in the district of Chibuto, after being surprised with the same number of firearms...