Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)

Febre aftosa: Moçambique adquire mais de milhão de vacinas

Foot-and-mouth disease: Mozambique purchases over million vaccines

The Veterinary Authority is importing over a million doses of vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease to respond to the outbreak of the disease confirmed in the districts of Chifunde, Maravia and Moatize in Tete. The acquisition of the immunizers, to be administered to about 500 thousand cattle in the high-risk areas, takes place, according to...

Governo reitera abertura para facilitar investimentos

Government reiterates openness to facilitate investments

The country will continue to create favorable conditions to welcome and enable investment initiatives in logistics and other sectors of activities, while pursuing reforms to improve the business environment. The assurance was given by the deputy minister of Transport and Communications, Hamilton Alisson, during the Mozambique-Arab Countries Economic Forum, which ended Friday,...

Nacala Logistics doa material hospitalar ao sector de Saúde de Nampula

Nacala Logistics donates hospital material to the Health sector of Nampula

Nacala Logistics recently delivered thousands of units of various hospital supplies to the Provincial Health Service of Nampula, a donation intended for local communities. The donated material includes powdered gloves, surgical masks, syringes, saline solution, and will be used at the Hospital Central de Nampula (HCN) and Hospital Psiquiátrico de Nampula (HPN)....


Mozambique's ex-PR asks parties to accept results

The former president of Mozambique Joaquim Chissano, a guest observer at the elections in Angola, recalled today the post-election crisis in Kenya and asked the Angolan parties not to follow that example and accept the results, after validation by justice. "This morning, Joaquim Chissano was received by the president of the National Electoral Commission (CNE) of Angola and was...


Cabo Delgado. More than 1400 employees have voluntarily returned to their areas of origin

More than 1400 officials and agents of the State, who had left their districts following the terrorist attacks, have voluntarily returned to their areas of origin, in Cabo Delgado province, said official source. António Sopeia, Secretary of State in Cabo Delgado province, who was speaking at the first session of the Steering Committee of the Recovery Program...

Ministra diz que há falsos combatentes que beneficiam de pensões

Minister says there are fake fighters benefiting from pensions

After the military "ghosts" a new discovery appears. The Minister of Combatants, Josefina Mpelo, has denounced the existence of individuals who pretend to be former combatants and benefit from ineligible pensions. According to the minister, some of these fake combatants have already been identified by the Ministry. "My request is, help us denounce these...

A Politécnica e BAT acordam sobre formação de estudantes finalistas

Polytechnic and BAT agree on training of final-year students

Polytechnic University and British American Tobacco Mozambique (BAT) have recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), which aims to formalize an agreement for professional training of students of this higher education institution in that company. Through this agreement, which has a duration of two years, it is expected that the students will acquire technical and practical skills...

Polícia diz que armas apreendidas na fronteira “são legais”

Police say weapons seized at border "are legal

The Commander General of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), Bernardino Rafael, said today that the 32 firearms seized on Thursday by the corporation entered the country legally and the action of the authorities was for the purpose of "screening". "All weapons that enter the country legally are subject to screening, because we issue a license [of...