Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)


12th Class: More than 8 thousand citizens in extraordinary exams

Eight thousand and six hundred citizens are since the beginning of the week taking extraordinary exams of the 12th grade of General Secondary Education, on a national scale. Of this universe, according to information advanced by Noticias online, more than three thousand are from the city of Maputo, two thousand from Maputo province, and the remaining are from other...

Sofala: Corrupção causa a detenção de 16 funcionários no primeiro semestre

Sofala: Corruption causes arrest of 16 officials in first half of the year

Sixteen employees and agents of the State, were arrested during the first half of this year in Sofala province, for suspected corruption, announced the secretary of State of that province, Stella Pinto Zeca. According to the source, most of the cases have to do with illicit collections and embezzlement of funds in the sectors of Health, Education...

Eleições: Catorze milhões de eleitores angolanos vão as urnas amanhã

Elections: Fourteen million Angolan voters go to the polls tomorrow

Fourteen million Angolan voters will go to the polls tomorrow to decide the future President of Angola, his vice-president and a 220-seat parliament. The current Head of State, João Lourenço, of the MPLA, and the 60-year-old engineer Adalberto da Costa Júnior, of UNITA, are the main presidential candidates, in elections considered to be the most keenly...

Desmantela rede de facilitação de migração ilegal na Ressano Garcia

Dismantles network facilitating illegal migration on the Ressano Garcia

Migration authorities dismantle a network composed of Malawian citizens, who were engaged in facilitation of illegal migration at the border of Ressano Garcia, Moamba district, Maputo province. In the operation, the joint force arrested 21 foreigners, 17 of Malawian nationality, 3 Burundians and 1 Tanzanian when they were trying to illegally enter neighboring Africa...


PR delivers 100 agricultural tractors in the center of the country

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, delivered this morning, in the town of Lamego, Nhamatanda district, Sofala province, 100 agricultural tractors for producers in the central region of the country. This initiative is part of the Sustenta project, a national program for the integration of family farming in productive value chains, which is being carried out by the...