The Government will build until the end of 2023 about 63 district-level penitentiary establishments, announced yesterday, in the city of Beira, the Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs, Helena Kida. According to the minister, the idea is to decongest the reclusion infrastructures and, therefore, humanize the penitentiary services. As a way to make the process more flexible,...
Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)
Sofala. Government evacuates 500 families from Caia due to the threat of flooding
More than five hundred families in Caia district, in Sofala, were evacuated due to the threat of floods following the discharges of the Cahora Bassa hydroelectric dam, said an official source. The administrator of Caia, Nobre dos Santos, said that among the evacuees are peasants who practice activities on the banks of the Zambezi River, small islands, which...
Country exports 80 thousand tons of pigeon peas to India
Over 80,000 tonnes of pigeon peas have been exported to the Indian market since the renewal of the agreement between the governments of Mozambique and India in July last year, an official source said. According to the director-general of the Mozambique Cereals Institute (ICM), Mahomed Valá, the updated agreement provides for the import by...
From November to December crabbing is forbidden
The capture of surface shrimp and mangrove crab will be prohibited from November 1 until December 31 next, to allow the recovery, maintenance and assurance of the sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources throughout the Mozambican coast, said official source. The director general of the National Administration of Fisheries at the Ministry...
Government invests 900 million meticais in fishing and aquaculture
About 900 million meticais is the amount that the Government will invest in seven provinces of the country in order to boost the value chain of commercial fishing and aquaculture. The investment comprises the second phase of the implementation of the program "More sustainable fish in the provinces of Niassa, Nampula, Cabo Delgado, Zambézia, Tete, Manica...
Tete's coal exports almost quadruple in Q2 2022
According to data from the Bank of Mozambique (BM), in the most recent report on the Economic Environment and Inflation Outlook, coal exports grew by US$586 million in the second quarter. That is, they reached 817 million dollars, almost four times the value recorded in the same period of 2021 (228 million dollars). In the...
South African tennis player wins first Standard Bank Open Future
The South African tennis player Kris Van Wyk won, on Sunday afternoon, October 9th, the first singles Future of the 10th edition of Standard Bank Open, held at the Tunduro Garden courts, after beating the Zimbabwean Mehluli Sibanda, by two sets to one (5/7, 6/3 6/0). Despite the skill demonstrated in the...
Minister of Economy and Finance participates today in the annual meetings of the World Bank and IMF
The Minister of Economy and Finance is participating, starting today, Monday, in Washington, United States of America, in the annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). According to a statement from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Max Tonela is expected to participate in the meeting of the High Level Working Group on Architecture...
Huawei may return to 5G cell phones next year
A report in the Financial Times (via CNet) indicates that Huawei may launch 5G phones again next year. The publication that is quoted by Notícias ao Minuto says that Huawei may have found a way around the sanctions imposed by the U.S., reformulating their phones to integrate 'chips' "less...
Frelimo says kidnapping wave is causing capital flight from Mozambique
The Frelimo Party, warned yesterday that kidnappings in Mozambican cities are causing a flight of capital and the retraction of investments, calling on the authorities to combat this type of criminality. "These phenomena have retracted the attraction of investments and contributed to the export [flight] of capital," said Sergio Pantie, head of the Frelimo caucus...