Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)


Mozambique and the United Arab Emirates want to cooperate in several fields

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi has been visiting the United Arab Emirates since this morning to renew the economic cooperation between the two countries. Indeed, according to the Ambassador of Mozambique in the UAE, Tiago Castigo, Mozambique is in the top 10 list of nations that invest the most in the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean. Mozambique...


Angola grows 4% this year, but slows to 1.8% in 2023

Consulting firm Fitch Solutions today upgraded Angola's growth estimate from 3.5% to 4% this year, but forecast economic expansion to slow in 2023 to 1.8% due to difficulties in the oil sector. "At Fitch Solutions, we forecast Angola's gross domestic product (GDP) to grow by 4% in 2022, versus some...


PR on an official visit to the United Arab Emirates

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, starts this Sunday a four-day official visit to the United Arab Emirates, says a statement received by our newsroom. According to a presidential statement, the visit of Filipe Nyusi is made in response to the invitation from the President of the United Arab Emirates and Emir of Abu Dhabi, Sheik Muhammad bin Dhabi.

Quadra festiva: Ministro dos Transporte lança Plano de Fiscalização Rodoviária na 1ª semana de Dezembro

Festive Season: Minister of Transportation launches Plan for Road Surveillance in the first week of December

The Ministry of Transport and Communications launches in the first week of December the Road Surveillance Plan for the festive season with the aim of reducing road accidents. This Saturday, a multi-sectoral brigade headed by the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, Hamilton Alison, climbed some stretches of National Road number 4 (EN4) to Ressano...


South African businessmen want to invest in Gaza

South African entrepreneurs show willingness to invest in the areas of Agriculture, Livestock and Tourism in Gaza province, reports Rádio Moçambique. The intention was expressed this Friday at the end of a four-day visit of a South African business delegation to Gaza province. The representative of the South African delegation, Massaca Mabilu, said on...

Comandante pede “calma” a polícias que esperam pelo TSU

Commander asks for "calm" from policemen waiting for the TSU

The police commander-general said a few days ago that the application of the new Single Wage Table (TSU) to the corporation still depends on the correction of "some vices," and asks "calm" to the agents. "Colleagues, be calm. It was found the existence of some vices in the police table", which will condition the payment of wages through the TSU, said Bernardino Rafael, during...

Niassa. INAM adverte camponeses a não lançarem cedo a semente

Niassa. INAM warns farmers not to sow seed early

The National Institute of Meteorology (INAM) in Niassa appeals to farmers in the region not to sow the seed too early, given the forecast occurrence of the El Niño phenomenon in the coming rainy season. Data from INAM indicate that the Niassa province will register normal rains, with a tendency to below...