AT wants to implement a taxation platform for the digital economy

AT quer implementar plataforma de tributação da economia digital

The president of the Tax Authority of Mozambique says that the institution she heads will implement, by December of this year, a platform for the taxation of the digital economy, throughout the country.

Amélia Muendane explained that the measure aims, among others, to guarantee that eighty percent of citizens fulfill their tax obligations, through digital platforms.

Muendane was speaking this Wednesday in Maputo at the opening of the eighth National Planning Meeting, which aims to put into perspective the actions of the Tax Authority for next year.

The president of the Tax Authority, Amelia Muendane, also explained that for next year, the economic growth in the country could rise from 2.9% to 3.7%.

At the eighth National Planning Meeting, the Mozambique Tax and Customs Strategy 2022-2025 and the National Taxpayer Vision of the Future 2020-2040 were launched.

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