The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Max Tonela, will lay Friday in Cuamba, in the north of the country, the first stone for the construction of a solar power plant
Debt will increase austerity in Sub-Saharan Africa
The director of the debt justice department at the non-governmental organization (NGO) network Eurodad said Thursday that fiscal austerity will increase in coming years for developing countries
CTA concerned about the slowness in authorizing the importation of medicines
The business sector is concerned about the length of time it takes to issue early release authorization for the importation of medicines that require specialized packaging
Government and private sector team up to purchase more vaccines
The Minister of Health announced Tuesday the creation of a platform composed of the government and private sector companies for the procurement of more vaccines against covid-19
Switzerland disburses 10 M$ for inclusive development in Northern Mozambique
Switzerland will disburse 10 million dollars for an inclusive development project in the provinces of Nampula and Niassa
Economic climate indicator with tenuous recovery in April
The Economic Climate Indicator (ECI), which measures business confidence, registered "a faint recovery in April
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