Researchers and businessmen defended this Saturday to Lusa that the Reconstruction Plan for Cabo Delgado should include an aspect of employment promotion to annul the recruitment field of young people by the armed groups that torment the region
Private Sector Willing to Materially Support Government in Combating Kidnappings
CTA - Confederation of Business Associations of Mozambique demanded this Saturday concrete mechanisms to stop the wave of kidnappings in the country, offering to support the Government materially to improve the efficiency of the authorities in fighting crimes
"Some three billion people lack access to healthy food" - UN
FAO, other organizations and world leaders on Friday highlighted the importance of healthy food, to which 3 billion people in the world do not have access, on the pretext of World Food Day
Global goal of zero hunger by 2030 is "dangerously off track
The global goal of eradicating hunger by 2030 is "dangerously off track" due to the "toxic combination" caused by the climate crisis, covid-19 and increasingly severe and protracted violent conflicts, an international report warned Friday
Cabo Delgado attacks: EU launches training mission expecting 100% operational in December
The Council of the European Union adopted on Friday the decision formally launching the military training mission in Mozambique to support the Mozambican forces in the face of armed attacks in Cabo Delgado, which is expected to be fully operational by December
Mozambique gets $6.4 million for halting carbon emissions through deforestation
Mozambique will receive 6.4 million dollars for reducing the cutting of trees used as fuel and thus curb carbon emissions, announced this Friday the Forest Carbon Partnership Fund, the entity funding the initiative.
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