The Mozambican writers Lino Eustáquio (Alonzo de Rezende) and Neide Malevo (Nyeleti) will launch the co-authored book "Desnudar os...
Covid-19: Researchers reveal nasal vaccines "may be more effective than injections
Researchers at Oxford University in the UK are conducting tests to find out how effective nasal sprays are on humans
Parliament approves land use plans to guarantee sustainable use
The Portuguese Parliament unanimously approved on Wednesday three land management plans, instruments that aim to prevent the "marginalization" of areas and ensure the sustainable use of available resources
Government seeks $600 million in funding for EN1 rehabilitation
The Government and the World Bank are negotiating a $600 million financial package for the rehabilitation of critical sections of National Road Number 1 (EN1), which connects the country from north to south
Mozambique will acquire technologies that guarantee the use of renewable energy
Mozambique will fight to acquire technologies that guarantee the use of renewable energies, guarantees the Prime Minister, Carlos Agostinho do Rosário
"Sudden change of energy sources can be harmful", considers Prime Minister
The energy transition must be made in a gradual and phased manner so as not to harm the country's development, defended the Prime Minister, Carlos Agostinho do Rosário, speaking in Scotland, where he is participating in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-26)
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