Kingdom of the Netherlands provides funds for youth projects in Mozambique

Reino dos Países Baixos disponibiliza fundos para projectos juvenis em Moçambique

A total of 17 associations and informal youth groups will receive funding from today, Wednesday (19), to implement social entrepreneurship and innovation projects in the provinces of Maputo, Sofala, Manica, Cabo Delgado and Maputo City..

To this end, the Minister of Youth and Sports, Caifadine Manasse, and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Elsbeth Akkerman, will sign the funding contracts today, marking the official launch of the "Youth Initiatives".

The projects are funded by the Centre for Civil Society Learning and Capacity Building (CESC), through IGUAL, a program to promote human rights and democracy supported by the embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, says a note quoted by the newspaper Notícias.

The 17 projects were selected through a public tender called "Youth Initiatives", launched at the end of 2024, with more than 250 proposals registered. The projects will take six months to implement (April to September 2025) and the amount of funding varies between 35,000 and 37,000 euros, equivalent to 2.4 and 2.5 million meticais.

"Agri-business and entrepreneurship in community gardens; solid waste management and recycling micro-enterprises; protection of coastal ecosystems; business management; green economy; community adaptation and resilience; training and digital inclusion of young women; female empowerment and women's leadership; human rights and active citizenship are the main areas of intervention of the selected projects," he says.


(Photo DR)

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