Pale defends investment in energy transmission lines to maximize energy potential on the continent

Pale defende investimento em linhas de transporte de energia para maximizar potencial energético no continente

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Estêvão Pale, yesterday defended investment in energy transportation lines on the continent in order to make better use of the energy potential of countries like Mozambique.

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Pale was speaking during a recent meeting in Botswana on the energy transition and its sustainability in the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

He took the opportunity to refer to the hydroelectric projects at Mphanda Nkuwa, in Tete province, and the Temane Thermal Power Station, in Inhambane, which will have the capacity to generate 2,000 megawatts of energy.

"We need to invest in harnessing our renewable energy resources... We're talking about clean energy that will meet Mozambique's domestic needs, boost industrial development and respond to demand in the region," he said, quoted by the Mozambican daily News.

He explained that Mozambique is a major player in this area in the region, citing as examples the Mozambique-Malawi 400KV interconnection projects and ongoing studies for a Mozambique-Zambia 400KV line.

Mozambique's existing potential can contribute to supplying the region, with emphasis on water, solar, wind, biomass and natural gas.

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