Government to go ahead with sesame production concession from the next campaign

Governo vai avançar com a concessão da produção de gergelim a partir da próxima campanha

A few days ago, the Mozambican government, through the National Institute of Cotton and Oilseeds of Mozambique (IAOM), an institution under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, announced the launch of a public tender to select companies to promote and market sesame in the country.

This is a call for tenders to find economic agents with proven capacity and technical experience in agricultural production to promote sesame cultivation in the various concessions throughout the country, starting with the next crop year 2024/2025.

Quoted by NewsThe institution explains that "associations and cooperatives that demonstrate their legal, financial and technical qualifications and tax compliance, by submitting the relevant supporting documentation, are eligible to apply".

With large volumes of production of the Sesamum indicum variety, sesame is mostly produced by family and commercial farmers, mainly in the provinces of Sofala, Manica, Tete, Zambézia, Nampula, Niassa and Cabo Delgado.


(Photo DR)

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