Only 10% of companies are at an advanced stage in the digital transition process, says an LLYC "Deep Digital Journey" study. It was based on a survey of more than 200 marketing and communications executives from large companies in 12 countries in Europe and America, according to a specialized news website.
On the other hand, the study points out that, 56% is still in an earlier stage.
LLYC's analysis, also points out that 34% of companies develop practices typical of the earliest stage of digital transformation and 22.2% is at the second level, i.e. tuning digital tools and processes.
E 33% considers itself to be at an advanced stage, which is distinguished by the activities of its different business areas, as well as processes or platforms, being adapted to the digital environment.
Another figure provided by LLYC is that, 10.8% says they are at the stage where they already have a fully digital planning and execution vision.
Looking at sectors
In an analysis by sectors, LLYC finds that Tourism & Leisure (airlines, travel platforms or entertainment companies) shows the best levels of digitization, with about 30% of the companies surveyed being at the highest stage.
Technology and Telecommunications and Consulting and Legal Services come soon after, with almost 20% of the companies at this stage.
In the opposite direction, the public sector is the furthest behind, as 70% of companies are at the earliest stage of digital transformation.
Companies with a higher degree of digital transformation generate more business through their digital channels. According to LLYC, more than 70% of companies in the Deep Digital stage already generate more than 20% of revenue this way.
"It is a big challenge to be aware of all the changes in the digital world, to understand opportunities and risks and act in a strategic and thoughtful way. Companies, and specifically their decision-makers, have to be constantly updated and trained," comments Marlene Gaspar, senior director of Engagement and Digital at LLYC, quoted by the same site.
According to Gaspar, "only in this way will they be able to provide their employees, clients, partners, and stakeholders with the best valences and really explore all the potentialities of their business.