Self-employment: CMCM trains 48 thousand young people

About 48,000 young people have been trained by the Municipal Council of Maputo City (CMCM) in matters of self-employment, from the beginning of the mandate to the current moment.

Eneas Comiche, president of CMCM said that the city council has sought to respond to the problem of youth employment, by mobilizing partnerships for the implementation of economic insertion programs for young people in vulnerable situations.

"From these programs, young people learn how to formalize, structure, and manage businesses, through incubation and workshops," said the mayor of Maputo.

Comiche also said that the Municipality has been distributing self-employment kits in areas such as agriculture, construction, locksmiths, refrigeration and air conditioning. The president also said that the greatest value of this program is to involve young people who "are not eligible for bank credit". In partnership with several institutions "in the present mandate we have integrated about 1200 young people in professionalizing internship programs in several areas of the productive public sector as a way to acquire professional experience", he advanced.

Éneas Comiche, was speaking this morning during the launching of the "emprega" program in Maputo city.

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