Zandamela advocates a combination of policies to balance the national financial system  

Zandamela defende combinação de políticas para equilibrar o sistema financeiro nacional  

According to the Governor of the Bank of Mozambique (BM), the vulnerability of the Mozambican financial system requires a combination of monetary and fiscal policies.

For Rogério Zandamela, this harmonization could promote balance in the national economic sector. He says that he should not ignore the possibility of the actions of the two policies generating mutual interference.

In this sense, in the view of the WB Governor, the combination of monetary and fiscal policies can prevent the creation of "macroeconomic imbalances".

Zandamela said that, as Central Bank and financial advisor to the government, there has been close work with the Ministry of Economy and Finance "for fiscal consolidation and strengthening resilience in the face of an economic structure vulnerable to multiple shocks and risks".

Rogério Zandamela was speaking on the sidelines of the 15th edition of the Bank of Mozambique's scientific conference.

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