Venâncio Mondlane repudiates the erection of barricades and clandestine tolls during the protests

Venâncio Mondlane repudia a montagem de barricadas e das portagens clandestinas durante os protestos

The PODEMOS presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, expressed his displeasure on social media yesterday (03) with the group of people who, taking advantage of the demonstrations, set up barricades and clandestine tolls to collect money.

"Anyone found in this situation should be denounced and discouraged by the population itself. These are not our practices," said Mondlane, who was speaking via his official Facebook account.

In a publication by TV MiramarThe candidate also spoke about joining the demonstrations, stressing that they are not compulsory. "Anyone who doesn't want to join can go to work as they please. We just said that those who join our cause, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. will stop everything," he clarified.

Regarding the accusations of foreign funding, Venâncio Mondlane considered the allegation to be unfounded. "It's always been like that. When our people demonstrate, they always associate themselves with foreigners."

The new wave of demonstrations called by Venâncio Mondlane starts today and ends next week.


(Photo DR)

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