TSU: MEF guarantees the restitution of the differences in salaries deducted in October. And the retroactive?

TSU: MEF garante reposição das diferenças dos salários deduzidos em Outubro. E os retroactivos?

The Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF), Max Tonela, assured, today, in Parliament (AR), that the portions deducted from salaries earned in October on the basis of the Single Wage Table (TSU) will be restored. "It constitutes the main cause of the complaints".

Speaking in parliament, in the urgent session requested by the Renamo parliamentary bench due to threats of paralysis of the civil service, the Minister said that there was an increase in salaries of all civil servants who, due to their function, had salaries below those established in the TSU, and that for the others "the irreducibility of salaries was ensured.

"We have, however, [...], noted some situations of reduction of net salaries, especially in careers of special regimes such as doctors, magistrates, research areas, among others," said the ruler.

After exemplifying how salary deductions occurred and explaining the systematic failure to fix gross and net salaries, Tonela said that "this [reduction in salaries] is the main cause of [civil service] complaints."

MEF doctors, nurses, teachers, and magistrates have threatened to go on strike if the Executive does not readjust the framing of the classes into the new TSU-based salary levels and reinstate the long-deleted special allowances.

The head of the MEF assured that work is underway to restore the differences in salaries deducted in October.

"All the cases have been identified and processes are currently underway to pay the differences due. Other specific situations associated with the framework will be resolved, including those associated with clarification of data and updating the situation of employees in the management system of state human resources," he assured, without referring to the retroactive.

The Minister revealed that the report of the multisectoral implementation committee "identified considerable gaps between technical functions and careers" and that the matter is being reviewed for decision by direction of the Council of Ministers.

To ensure sustainable solutions in the implementation of the TSU, Max Tonela said that framework committees will be maintained for a year with the task of promoting the adjustments that prove necessary.

"Ultimately, we will move to a nationwide independent audit process to ensure that the data that gave rise to the new frameworks are in full compliance with the physical processes validated by the administrative court," he revealed.

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