Tag: kidnapping

Home " kidnapping
Resgatadas 13 vítimas de raptos no ano passado

13 kidnap victims rescued last year

The National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) deactivated five captives and returned 13 kidnap victims to their families last year. The figures, according to "Notícias", were announced yesterday by the Minister of the Interior, Pascoal Ronda, on the occasion of SERNIC's 8th anniversary. Ronda also said that seven...

Mais um empresário raptado na cidade da Matola

Another businessman kidnapped in the city of Matola

Another businessman of Asian origin by the name of Nurani Gulamo was kidnapped this morning in the city of Matola, Maputo province. According to witnesses heard at the scene, the businessman was kidnapped by four individuals armed with firearms as he was leaving his home to go to work. The kidnappers were transported...

Polícia confirma rapto de empresário português na cidade de Maputo

Police confirm kidnapping of Portuguese businessman in Maputo city

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) confirmed the kidnapping of a Portuguese businessman working in the construction sector, which took place yesterday afternoon (29), on Avenida Armando Tivane, in the Polana neighborhood, in the city of Maputo. In an AIM publication, the PRM spokesman in Maputo city, Leonel Muchina, assured...

Raptado empresário português na cidade de Maputo

Portuguese businessman kidnapped in Maputo city

A 52-year-old Portuguese businessman was kidnapped at around 12 noon today in the city of Maputo. The kidnapping took place on Avenida Armando Tivane, in the Polana neighborhood, while the victim was preparing to enter a high-rise building near his home, according to reliable sources. Five armed men...

Polícia aborta tentativa de rapto após perseguição

Police foil kidnap attempt after chase

The police of the Republic of Mozambique foiled an attempted kidnapping in the town of Xsai-Xai, Gaza province, after a chase. The three kidnappers, one of whom has now been arrested, broke into a house, tied up the owner and demanded a ransom. According to the victim's wife, her husband was physically assaulted and tied up, and "told that...

Maputo: Detidos dois indivíduos acusados de rapto

Maputo: Two people arrested on kidnapping charges

Two individuals accused of trying to kidnap a 34-year-old Mozambican citizen are being held in cells at the 18th PRM police station in Maputo city. According to the newspaper "O País", the crime took place on Saturday morning, at stop 007, in the airport district, when the two accused...