Tag: Ossufo Momade

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Generais da Renamo voltam a exigir afastamento de Ossufo Momade e o acusam “incapacidade” de liderança

Renamo generals again demand Ossufo Momade's ouster and accuse him of leadership "incapacity"

Renamo generals spoke out on Saturday in the city of Beira about their dissatisfaction with the DDR process and the kidnappings and murders of members and demobilized soldiers. They demand the unconditional removal of their leader, Ossufo Momade. A group made up of eight generals from the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo) from all over the country called on Saturday in Beira, the capital...

Filipe Nyusi e Ossufo Momade mantém divergências sobre eleições distritais em 2024

Filipe Nyusi and Ossufo Momade maintain differences on district elections in 2024

The President of the Republic and the leader of Renamo, in opposition, maintain their differences over the holding of district elections in 2024, even after a meeting held on Wednesday, 8, in Maputo, in which they also analyzed the process of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of the former guerrillas by the end of this month. At the end...

Renamo questiona falta de fundos para pensões dos seus ex-guerrilheiros

Renamo questions lack of pension funds for its ex-guerrillas

Renamo leader Ossufo Momade accuses the Mozambican government of violating the agreement on the Demilitarization, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) of its former guerrillas, saying that the claim that there are no resources to pay the demobilized fighters' pensions makes no sense. "We are increasingly concerned about the alleged lack of funds and...

“Falta de fundos põe em causa as garantias da desmilitarização”, diz chefe da Renamo

"Lack of funds jeopardizes demilitarization guarantees," says Renamo chief

The president of Renamo, Ossufo Momade, said yesterday, Monday (26), that the government's successive announcements about the lack of funds and the unsustainability of pensions for its combatants call into question the guarantees given throughout the implementation of the Demilitarization, Disarmament and Reintegration (DDR) process. Momade made this statement after...

Renamo desmente que seu líder esteja retido por guerrilheiros na Gorongosa

Renamo denies that its leader is being held by guerrillas in Gorongosa

Renamo, the main opposition party in Mozambique, says that information published on Thursday 22 that its leader, Ossufo Momade, is being held in the Gorongosa mountain range in Sofala by guerrillas dissatisfied with the direction of the Demilitarization, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) process is false and slanderous. The president of Renamo Democrática, a new...

Renamo questiona apoio da UE ao Ruanda e diz que soberania está “ameaçada”

Renamo questions EU support for Rwanda and says sovereignty is "under threat"

Renamo, the largest opposition party, yesterday questioned the European Union's (EU) support for Rwanda and considered that Mozambique's peace and sovereignty are "totally threatened" due to armed violence in the north of the country. "More than ever, our peace and sovereignty are totally threatened by the horrors of terrorism in the northern zone,"...

Filipe Nyusi e Ossufo Momade reafirmam compromisso com reintegração dos antigos guerrilheiros da Renamo

Filipe Nyusi and Ossufo Momade reaffirm commitment to reintegration of former Renamo guerrillas

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, met last Friday, 7, in Maputo, with the leader of Renamo, in opposition, Ossufo Momade, to discuss the Demobilization, Demilitarization and Reintegration (DDR) process of the guerrillas of the former rebel movement. The note released at first by the representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Mozambique, Mirko Manzoni, reports...

Presidente da Renamo exonera secretário-geral

Renamo president exonerates secretary-general

The President of Renamo, the largest opposition party in Mozambique, Ossufo Momade, has dismissed the secretary-general of the organisation, André Majibire, in a decision for which "the dynamics of the party" was a factor, said a spokesman for the party yesterday. José Manteigas told Radio Mozambique that Majibre stepped down as secretary-general of Renamo on Friday, on the...