Tag: influence

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Lúcia Ribeiro/Resultados: CC vai aplicar a lei considerando as manifestações, mas sem se deixar influenciar

Lúcia Ribeiro/Resultados: CC will apply the law considering the demonstrations, but without letting itself be influenced

The President of the Constitutional Council (CC), Lúcia Ribeiro, assures that the decision on the election results will, first and foremost, respect the law, considering the current political and social situation. "Given this context [of turmoil], in this ruling, perhaps the most important thing is not the words, but the clarity of the numbers. This is my perception..."

ONG revela influência da família Sumbana para viabilizar fábrica de betão da Costa do Sol

NGO reveals influence of Sumbana family to make Costa do Sol concrete plant viable

The Center for Public Integrity (CIP) says that politically exposed people influenced the construction and operation of the concrete plant in the Costa do Sol neighborhood. The concrete plant was designed to produce concrete during the construction period of the Yuxiao International Tourism Commercial Complex, on Marginal Avenue, in the city of...