Tag: Elvino Dias

Home " Elvino Dias
ONG submete queixa contra suspeitos de assassinar Elvino Dias e Paulo Guambe

NGO files complaint against suspected killers Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe

On Wednesday, the Center for Democracy and Human Development (CDD) submitted a complaint to the Attorney General's Office (PGR) against those suspected of being involved in the murder of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe. "Since the end of October, we have been pursuing, investigating and interviewing people about the circumstances and the possible murderers and material and moral authors who ordered...

Nyusi critica comunidade internacional por fazer insinuações sobre assassinatos de Elvino Dias e Paulo Guambe

Nyusi criticizes international community for making insinuations about murders of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, said on Monday (28) that he was "harsh" towards the international community which associates the barbaric murders of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe with the Frelimo party. According to Nyusi, these accusations limit the right thing to do, which is to wait for the investigations. "If they already have conclusions about the murder of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe, let us...

Dom Carlos Matsinhe lamenta a morte de E. Dias e P. Guambe e exige investigação minuciosa

Bishop Carlos Matsinhe regrets the deaths of E. Dias and Fr. Guambe and demands a thorough investigation

The president of the National Electoral Commission (CNE), Dom Carlos Matsinhe, lamented on Thursday (24) the death of Elvino Dias' lawyer and Podemos party leader, Paulo Guambe, on Friday (18). "I would like, on behalf of the CNE, all its support bodies and myself, to strongly express the repudiation of the...

Venâncio Mondlane diz haver um esquema para o abater após a morte de Dias e Guambe

Venâncio Mondlane says there is a scheme to kill him after the deaths of Dias and Guambe

The presidential candidate of the PODEMOS party, Venâncio Mondlane, has publicly announced that there is an operation launched by the Intelligence Service (SISE) to silence him. According to a post published yesterday (23) on his Facebook social network, hours after the funeral ceremony of his lawyer and legal advisor, Elvino Dias, the PODEMOS presidential candidate reaffirmed the...

Afinal, a sobrevivente do assassinato não conhecia o Elvino Dias e nem Paulo Guambe

After all, the survivor of the murder didn't know Elvino Dias or Paulo Guambe

After all, the only survivor who was in Elvino Dias' car last Friday didn't know the dead men. In a report in the newspaper "O País", the victim said that during a visit by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, he got into the car because he had asked for a lift and didn't see the faces of the gunmen. The survivor, named Adácia Macuácua...