In Sofala province, three community conservation areas are being planned in the districts of Nhamatanda and Dondo, which should help manage the wildlife resources of Gorongosa National Park.
The representative of the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC), Armindo Armane, linked the project to the increase in the animal population in Gorongosa National Park, which requires a new approach to managing wildlife resources.
"This demonstration was made by the community itself, and the community itself, through participatory diagnosis, defined the portion of the community area that should be allocated to the community conservation area, which in this case is the 5,400 hectares in the western part of the Namacuengere village, bordering the Gorongosa National Park," he said.
The administrator of Gorongosa National Park, Pedro Muagura, said that besides the environmental advantages, the future conservation areas of Bebedo, Nhampoca and Namacuengere will boost local socio-economic development.