SERNIC detains individual accused of swindling 1.3 million meticais

SERNIC detém indivíduo indiciado no crime de burla de 1,3 milhões de meticais

An individual is being held at the PRM's 8th Police Station in Maputo City, accused of computer fraud.

According to the spokesman for the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) in the country's capital, Hilário Lole, the accused created a page on a social network, where he posed as a representative of a company that imports cars, deceiving at least five victims.

"So far the damage caused by the scam is estimated at 1.3 million meticais. The victims made financial transfers believing in the promise of receiving vehicles, but they were never delivered," said the spokesman, quoted by the newspaper News.

The source also added that the case has already led to five criminal proceedings.


(Photo DR)

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