Kidnappings have already led to the flight of businesspeople and a slowdown in investment in Mozambique

Raptos já levaram a fugas de empresários e afrouxamento de investimentos em Moçambique

The upsurge in kidnapping crimes in Mozambique is causing more entrepreneurs to leave the country and as a result there is less investment in the market, according to the spokesman for the Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA).

"When a businessman leaves the country, it means that the business also leaves the country. And many of them are going to invest abroad rather than in Mozambique. Gradually, some industries and commercial companies are closing down," said Adelino Buque.

She was speaking today in Maputo, at the end of a meeting between the business associations that make up the union.

Without giving details of the businesspeople who have already left the country, he said that this migratory movement is one of the main consequences of the kidnappings, with companies already closing their doors.

The CTA is still analyzing the economic impact of the downturn in investment that the country is suffering. It is immediately witnessing the emptying of the Mozambican business community.

The meeting's spokesman, Zuneide Calmias, said that the associations were considering paralyzing economic activities in the country as a way of showing solidarity with the kidnap victims.

"Nothing has been decided. This is an idea that has been put forward by most associations in solidarity with the victims. But for now, these are just suggestions. We're going to prioritize dialogue to try to solve the problem," he said.

In addition, he clarified that the business union has not yet been officially informed about the payment of a road tax to the kidnappers so that businesspeople can circulate normally.

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