Post-election protests: Phase 4 was the deadliest and bloodiest of all

Protestos pós-eleitorais: Fase 4 foi a mais mortífera e sangrenta de todas

The electoral protests in Mozambique began on October 21, 2024 and until January 15, 2025 followed four phases, including the last stage, Ponta de Lança.

In all phases there were deaths and injuries from police shootings - although at the beginning there were official speeches pointing to armed 'infiltrators' in an attempt to exonerate the massacres. There were also people detained without apparent just cause, but some were released through the free intervention of the Mozambique Bar Association.

The Decide Electoral Platform, which has been following the demonstrations from the beginning, has recorded the events across the country.

Their data shows that the longest of the phases, Phase 4, was the bloodiest, with 263 deaths, 410 shootings and 1,428 arrests.

In Phase 1, 16 people lost their lives; in Phase 2, 13 people were killed; and in Phase 3, 11 people were killed.

In Phase 3, there were 86 shootings; in Phase 1, 47 shootings were recorded; and in Phase 2, 36 shootings were recorded.

There were 1,237 arrests in Phase 3; 864 in Phase 1; and 699 in Phase 2.

Most of the victims were civilians protesting in the streets. Among the dead are also police officers. The total number of deaths up to January 15, 2025 is 303, according to the Decide Electoral Platform, 609 shot and 4,228 arrested.

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