Port of Maputo ended the year with a new cargo handling record

The Port of Maputo reached a new high last year with a record volume of 31.2 million tons, an increase of more than 16% compared to the previous period.

According to the Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC) in its annual results, this significant growth in various metrics consolidates its position as one of the main economic drivers in the region.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the company said that of the 31.2 million tons handled, around 25 million were made up of various ores, namely chromium, ferrochrome, magnetite, coal, phosphate ore, vanadium, titanium, copper, vermiculite, among others.

"The handling of these cargoes reflects the diversification strategy that the Port of Maputo has been pursuing in recent years," said MPDC's executive director, Osório Lucas, quoted in the note, noting that one point to highlight is the more balanced distribution of the volumes transported.

"While 61% were handled by road, 39% were transported by rail, indicating a significant increase of 8.4% in the use of rail compared to the previous year, thus also setting a new record for the Port of Maputo," he added.

Nevertheless, the source added that the substantial increase in cargo volume has had a direct impact on the amount of fixed and variable fees paid to the government.

In this context, "the Port of Maputo contributed more than 41 million dollars (excluding taxes and dividends to shareholders), which represents a growth of 29% compared to the previous year".

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